Frequently Asked Questions

I submitted a direct debit payment request and would like to know when the money will appear in my bank account.

Contact Otonom Solution and a customer service representative will be happy to assist you.

Depending on how quickly we receive the supporting documentation required to open the account, we can set up an account within 72 hours.

Yes. You can submit direct debit payment requests at any time and we'll process them on the date you choose.

Yes. You can send your direct debit request on the same day before 2 p.m. and, as long as it is a business day, we will process your request that day. Otherwise, your request will be processed on the following business day.

We will send you an email notification that shows the reason why the transaction was rejected.

The main reason for this kind of transaction rejection is that the bank account is linked to a line of credit, which is not allowed for pre-authorized direct debit payments in Canada.

No. We are a green company and we do not send any printed correspondence. We communicate by email only.

Under the Canadian Payments Act, this action automatically revokes your right to charge your client's bank account. You must therefore make arrangements with the client


to use another payment method. If your client decides to use the service again, they must sign a new direct debit payment form since the old one was automatically revoked.


The most common reason is that the collection date entered for this individual does not match that of your other clients. By correcting the date, your client will be added to the list of monthly deposits.

We email a report of transactions to be processed and if you log on to your Otonom Solution account, you can view the status of your transactions.

Since we handle sensitive data, we must validate your identity and your signature on the contract.

Yes. Even though we have partnered with certain management software companies, you still have to open an Otonom Solution account in order to process your transactions.

Certain software programs allow transactions to be automatically sent at the touch of a button. Others generate a file that is sent to us. Regardless of the format, the added value is when it comes to the accounting and monitoring of your activities. We always ensure that your transactions are processed seamlessly.

Yes. A customer service representative will be happy to assist with the transition.

No. Your form will still be valid. Please contact Otonom Solution and we will update their banking details.

Void checks must always be printed and show the bank account owner's name. A void check that shows either no name or a handwritten name will be rejected.

The primary reason behind the rejection of a direct debit payment consent form is because the form was not signed. To avoid delays, please verify that each form has been signed before submitting it.

If all your deposits are made to one bank account, you only need one account for all your rental properties. You need one Otonom Solution account per bank account.

No. The law requires you to notify your tenants at least 10 days in advance of any increase in the direct debit amount to be deducted.

Yes. We have an online interface for companies without management software that allows you to quickly and easily process direct debit payments.

Yes. The Canadian Payments Act is clear, and you are protected in the same way as when you write a check. We invite you to visit the Payments Canada website. This organization is responsible for governing pre-authorized payments in Canada.


Yes. We have a valid licence issued by the Autorité des Marchés Financiers.